London has been breathtaking and inspiring on all fronts. Our apartment sits right outside a quiet avenue lined with trimmed trees and beside a grand park bordered by wrought iron gates and towering greenery. Rooftops peek over the trees, exposing rows of storybook chimney pots. The view never gets old. Every morning as we begin out and down the street, we pick up coffee and head for the Tube.

Thursday, we were taken to see The Photographers' Gallery to view the current exhibition and winners of this years prestigious Deutsche Börse Photography Prize. The gallery is so streamlined and so chic - a vertical column of whites and warm wood. One of my favorite pieces was by Jochen Lempert; I simply love portraits, but even more so those that take a subtle feature and amplify its beauty (plus its no secret I have a thing for freckles...).

The afternoon was left for exploring. First we visited the deserted railway tunnel where graffiti artist Banksy held an exhibition several years ago. Although graffiti isn't my style, to stand in that tunnel was very moving. My love for Banksy began after viewing Exit Through the Gift Shop during a course I took on art film and standing in that forgotten space gone famous had me dreamy.
Before dinner we were taken to see Big Ben and relaxed in Parliament Square beside Westminster Abbey. Nothing could have prepared me for the view. All I could do was take in the air, the locals, and imagine one of my favorite stories from when I was young...
The next day we toured the Tower of London and rested beside the majestic bridge. I quickly became obsessed with the pops of color and potted gardens I spotted around...

That night we all went out for beer at the most delightful pub just up the street from our apartment. Our bartender was sweet, the locals were kind (there was a mixup between mine and a man's drink - we shared a laugh), and the company was good. Everything was perfect.