The Everyday is a discovery of beauty in the boring. Life is something to value and to celebrate, and I’d love to share in the beauty of your Everyday. Throw some my way by using the hashtag #BeautyInBoring on Instagram.
— Dusty miller is going in the flowerbeds this spring. I’m going to make that happen with a spiked lemonade beside me.
— Stretching—stretching always. I didn’t believe in its power until I felt myself unthaw for the first time after logging so many hours in front of the screen (which I do all day, every day). Awareness of your spine, your back, and your joints is an incredible gift that I encourage you to tap into, especially if you sit at a desk regularly.
— Cantaloupe! Guys! We went out for groceries the other night, and when I spotted these back in season, I danced all over inside. Summertime y’all.
— Shared lattes with my mother and uncle near their alma mater in one of my favorite spots of Ann Arbor, Mighty Good Coffee. Their concoctions never disappoint, and the vibe is perfect for relaxed conversation.